Protection of Victims and Witnesses

    It is against the law to tamper with or retaliate against a witness, victim, or informant in a criminal case. If any person threatens or harasses you because of your involvement in a criminal case, immediately contact your local Law Enforcement agency and the State Attorney's Office.

    You may want to seek a protective injunction from the court if you are the victim of domestic violence, repeat violence, sexual violence, stalking or dating violence. This is commonly called a Restraining Order.


The Judge can order the offender to stay away from you as well as any other conditions necessary for your protection. You don't need an attorney to get an Injunction. Contact the Clerk of Court Civil Division, Refuge House, or the Victim/Witness Assistance Unit for more information.

If you have been the victim of domestic violence, sexual violence or human trafficking and you have a fear for your continued safety and/or an immediate need to escape a domestic or sexually violent enviroment, you may be eligible for financial help to relocate through the Atttorney General's Office Victims Compensation Program.You must first call Refuge House, our certified Domestic Violence center at 850-681-2111, to schedule a meeting with their staff to complete the application. Please note that this program is based on your immediate need to relocate so domestic violence victims must file the application within 30 days of the crime, but you have up to one year to file for sexual violence relocation assistance.

THE ADDRESS CONFIDENTIALITY PROGRAM provides services to victims of domestic violence who are attempting to escape from actual or threatened violence through relocation.  Participants are provided with an address designated by the Attorney General as a substitute mailing address in order to prevent their abusers from finding them.  Victims who have left an abusive situation may apply by calling 1-800-226-6667 or contacting a Victim Advocate.

National Organization for Victim Assistance



Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records.  If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity.  Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.


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